Spirit: Willie Nelson

Album: Spirit

Artist: Willie Nelson

Genre(s) Country, Folk

Spirit was Willies Nelson's 49th album when released in 1996.  Many felt that it was his response to the 1994 Johnny Cash album American Recordings, I'll let you decide.  It's a stripped back album featuring just guitars, piano and fiddle.  The Spanish influence runs through the tracks with beautiful guitar, piano and fiddle solos in a very clear and clean fashion.  It features some of the classic themes of country.  Unrequited love, heartache, religion and declarations of love are all there.  It's an evocative yet personal album capable of taking you away to places in your imagination.  The opening instrumental piece Matador takes me to my imagined Mexico.  Indeed the instrumental tracks are probably the albums strongest from Matador to Mariachi which conjours up images of senoras and their caballeros dancing, to Spirit of E9 which showcases the virtuosity of guitarist, pianist and fiddler.  
The album is full of poignant lyrics from tracks like Your Memory Won't Die In My Grave to my personal favourite, for a number of reasons, I Guess I've Come To Live Here In Your Eyes. It's an album that deserves to be listened to.  Not as background music.  Sit down with a glass of something and be open to being taken away.


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