The BMWA, Book Club with a Difference!


Nobody quits the book club, once you're in it you're in it forever

The idea for this developed over a few pints with my pal Tony Morrissi.  Funny how ideas never develop over cups of tea, or sparkling water.  Anyway, Tony says "Will we form a book club"?  I gave it careful consideration and responded immediately "It has to include whiskey"  I think Tony was a little taken aback and was openly struggling to marry the two hobbies, "No problem" he said.  From there it was a natural progression to including movies and albums (music to those lucky enough to be asked for ID when buying booze) and so The BMWA (Books, Movies, Whiskey, Albums) was formed.  

It was decided that the club would be men only.  Not for any anti-feminism ideals but rather following personal circumstances we felt that men needed a forum to hang out with their friends and to discuss their stuff.  We're told that men don't talk enough. Tony being the anal retentive that he is even draughted a constitution. (eye roll). Our respective and slightly bemused wives gave us their permission blessing and off we went. 

There are four members, Tony Morrissi, Travis Bickle, The Professor and my self, Mr.L.  

We meet monthly to review the previous months selection and to announce the forthcoming choices.  Choices for the categories rotate among the four of us.  The benefits are that you get introduced to books, movies, and music that are outside your comfort zone.  We are all comfortable with whiskey.  
We also regularly feature cheese, blackpudding etc but with only 26 letters available we felt it better to stick with the original acronym. 
Books read so far include From The Holy Mountain, blogged about on here, The Leopard and For Whom The Bell Tolls.  

Movies watched are, Sideways, The Godfather and Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Albums listened to include Spirit, by Willie Nelson, again featured on here. Rory Gallagher Irish Tour '74.

Whiskeys have been plentiful and varied and have caused me to forget the name of the one of the albums.

This months selections are

Book: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep
Movie: The Deer Hunter
Whiskey: Locke's
Album: Black Star, David Bowie

The club has been great for a number of reasons.  It reintroduced me to regular reading and listening to music and watching movies.  In short it makes me stop, take some down time and relax away from work, mobile phones, computers and the web.

You can get our selections on twitter @bmwa17 or go one further and form you own band of odd balls, you won't regret it.


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